New National Museum in Oslo
With a budget of 578 million Euros and a construction area of 54,600 m², the new National Museum is currently being built in the centre of Oslo.
The comprehensive Norwegian art collection, which includes works by van Gogh and Picasso, among others, demands the highest standards of safety and sustainability. Xella was able to convince the executing construction company Statsbygg Oslo above all of the high-quality and safe properties of Silka calcium silicate brick products for the contract."In addition to preserving the art, Silka not only contributes to a healthy indoor climate, but also has no emissions that could destroy the collection. Decisive arguments for a museum that houses invaluable centuries-old art," says Thom Erik Pape, Sales Manager of Xella Norge AS.
25,000 m² of burglar-proof wall solutions will secure the extensive Norwegian art collection. The material required for this, mainly Silka XL 15-24cm, corresponds to about two truckloads per day for more than a year.
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