„No place for racism in our work environment.”
At Xella, management and HR are committed to a discrimination-free corporate culture – diversity is an essential value that plays a key role in our company. We are proud to be part of the “Love HR, hate Racism” initiative and committed to the fight against racism and intolerance! The initiative launched the #hrespect campaign in Germany to increase HR managers’ awareness of the unfortunately still current issues of racism and right-wing populism.
The contribution that HR professionals can make here is greater than in many other areas, because they are the hub between employees, the organization and applicants. With #hrespect, they now have a platform to exchange ideas, network, inform and learn from and with each other. The goal is clear: to give racism and exclusion no place in companies and to advocate for diversity.
„We see a diverse workforce as a distinct asset and a decisive contribution to Xella’s success: different ideas, experiences, and identities are an enrichment for us, broaden our horizons, show us new perspectives, and contribute to innovative solutions and progress,” says Ronny Weise, Head of HR Holdings and MWE at Xella.
Xella stands for an open corporate culture characterized by mutual respect and appreciation - regardless of age, ethnic origin and nationality, gender and gender identity, physical and mental abilities, religion and worldview, sexual orientation, and social origin. This is firmly anchored in our Code of Conduct and our Non-Discrimination and Diversity Guideline.
The “Charta der Vielfalt” (Charter of Diversity), which Xella signed in September 2021, also follows this principle. „By joining this charter, we are strengthening our commitment to diversity and equal opportunity and accepting our responsibility to promote a prejudice-free working environment as well as to advance and help shape diversity, tolerance, and equal opportunity and to clearly fly the flag for diversity,“ adds Ronny Weise.
The Charter of Diversity was launched in 2006 and is a corporate initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions in Germany.

“Racism and discrimination have many faces and do not stop at today's working environment. And that is exactly why we need to raise awareness and advocate for fairness and equal opportunities every day and actively work for a tolerant and open environment. Especially in HR, we should focus on diversity, equality, and equal opportunities in our daily work, because who has more influence on it in the company than we do? I see it as an important part of our daily work to make all employees in HR as well as all our staff and managers aware of our responsibilities and opportunities to exert influence."
Ronny Weise, Head of HR Holdings and MWE at Xella
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