Digitalization success factors in podcast
Dr. Jochen Fabritius, CEO of the Xella Group, in the Digitalwerk podcast by Michél-Philipp Maruhn.
In the Digitalwerk podcast by Michél-Philipp Maruhn, Dr. Jochen Fabritius, CEO of the Xella Group, talks about the digitalization of the Xella business model and shares his impressions on the importance and progress of digitalization in the construction industry. "Digitization shouldn't be an end in itself. Customer benefit must always be the main focus if a digital service is to be successful,” explains Jochen Fabritius.
Digital product data is the necessary foundation for the digital accompaniment of a building project from the planning phase, through the implementation, to the possible recycling of the building materials at the end of the building's life cycle. "To make a digital initiative successful, not only the technical infrastructure must be in place, also the employees must be convinced of the benefits of digitization.
You can find the episode here (German only):
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